Mindful Medics | Episode 3

Mastering Well-Being: Dr. Joe Feuerstein’s Journey in Medicine & Stress Management

In this inspiring episode of Mindful Medics, Dr. Leonaura Rhodes interviews Dr. Joe Feuerstein, a distinguished integrative medicine physician. Dr. Feuerstein shares his journey through medical training in England and Israel, the hurdles he overcame, and the evolution of the medical profession. He also offers valuable tips for managing stress, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and balancing work and personal life. Tune in for a fascinating discussion on the intersection of traditional and integrative medicine.

Published on
September 17, 2024

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  • (00:00) Dr. Joe Feuerstein: Born in England, trained in integrative medicine
  • (01:38) What inspired Dr. Feuerstein to pursue a career in medicine
  • (03:39) Challenges during medical training and career
  • (07:33) Long journey through medical education
  • (12:18) Changes in the medical profession over the years
  • (16:22) The role of stress management in integrative medicine
  • (21:37) Dr. Feuerstein’s journey into integrative medicine after residency
  • (28:35) Dr. Feuerstein’s top health tips for physicians and everyone
  • (30:03) Dr. Feuerstein’s research on the microbiome and prostate cancer