Mindful Medics | Episode 9

Empowering Women in Medicine: Dr. Shannon’s Journey from Burnout to Brilliance

On this episode of Mindful Medics, Dr. Leonaura Rhodes interviews Dr. Diane W. Shannon, an internal medicine physician turned coach and author, who is dedicated to helping women in medicine navigate burnout and build fulfilling careers. Dr. Shannon opens up about her own struggles with physician burnout, her transition into medical writing, and how mindfulness can play a key role in healthcare well-being. Discover her top tips for setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and thriving both professionally and personally.

Published on
September 17, 2024

Watch The Podcast

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  • (00:00) Introduction to Mindful Medics and Dr. Diane W. Shannon
  • (01:48) What inspired Dr. Shannon to pursue a career in medicine
  • (03:32) Dr. Shannon’s timeline and career journey
  • (11:02) The importance of boundaries for medical professionals
  • (18:11) Dr. Shannon’s well-received book on physician burnout
  • (28:04) Challenges faced by women in medicine and Dr. Shannon’s podcast
  • (31:22) Dr. Shannon’s top three pieces of advice for physicians